Friday, September 8, 2017

Eastern Lightning | God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique VIII God Is the Source of Life for All Things" (Part One)

God Himself, the Unique VIII

God Is the Source of Life for All Things (II)

    Let’s continue the communication topic from last time. Can you recall what topic we communicated last time? (God Is the Source of Life for All Things.) Is “God Is the Source of Life for All Things” a topic that feels very far away to you? Can someone tell Me the main point of this topic we communicated last time? (Through God’s creation of all things, I see that God nurtures all things and nurtures mankind. In the past, I always thought that when God supplies man, He only supplies His word to His chosen people, but I never saw, through the laws of all things, that God is nurturing mankind. It is only through God’s communication of this aspect of the truth that I now see that the life of all things is supplied by God, that God manipulates these laws, and that He nurtures all things. From His creation of all things I see God’s love and feel that God is the source of all things.) Mm, last time, we primarily communicated about God’s creation of all things and how He established laws and principles for them. Under such laws and under such principles, all things live and die with man and coexist with man under God’s dominion and in God’s eyes. What did we talk about first? God created all things and used His own methods to set the laws of growth for all things, as well as their growth trajectory and patterns, and also set the ways all things exist on this earth, so that they may live continuously and depend on each other. With such methods and laws, all things are able to successfully and peacefully exist and grow on this land. Only by having such an environment is man able to have a stable home and living environment, and under God’s guidance, continue to develop and move forward, develop and move forward.

    Last time we discussed the basic concept of God supplying all things. God first supplies all things in this way so that all things exist and live for mankind. Such an environment exists because of the laws set by God. It is only by God maintaining and administering such laws that mankind has the living environment they have now. What we talked about last time is a big leap from the knowledge of God we spoke of before. Why does such a leap exist? Because when we talked about getting to know God in the past, we were discussing within the ambit of God saving and managing mankind—that is, the salvation and management of God’s chosen people—about knowing God, God’s deeds, His disposition, what He has and is, His intentions, and how He supplies man with the truth and life. But the topic we spoke about last time was no longer merely just restricted to the Bible and within the scope of God saving His chosen people. Rather, it jumped out of this scope, out of the Bible, and out of the confines of the three stages of work God does on His chosen people to discuss God Himself. So when you hear this part of My communication, you must not confine your knowledge of God to the Bible and the three stages of God’s work. Instead, you have to keep your perspective open and see God’s deeds and what He has and is among all things, and how God dominates and manages all things. Through this method and on this foundation, you can see how God supplies all things. This enables mankind to understand that God is the true source of life for all things and that this is the true identity of God Himself. That is to say, God’s identity, status and authority and His everything are not just targeted at those who currently follow Him—meaning not just aimed at you people—but at all things. Then what is the scope of all things? The scope of all things is very broad. I use “all things” to describe the scope of God’s rule over everything because I want to tell you that the things dominated by God are not just what you can see with your eyes, but include the material world all people can see, as well as another world that cannot be seen by human eyes outside of the material world, and moreover include the space and planets outside of where mankind currently exists. That’s the scope of God’s dominion over all things, and the concept that God dominates everything. The scope of God’s dominion over all things is very broad. As for you, what you should understand, what you should see, and from what things you should obtain knowledge—these are what each of you sitting here needs to and must understand, see, and be clear on. Even though the scope of this “all things” is very broad, I won’t tell you about the scope you can’t see at all or you can’t come into contact with. I will only tell you about the scope that human beings can come into contact with, can understand, and can comprehend, so that everyone can feel the true meaning of the phrase “God is the source of life for all things.” That way, anything that I communicate to you won’t be empty words. Last time, we used storytelling methods to provide a simple overview of the topic “God Is the Source of Life for All Things,” so that you can have a basic understanding of how God supplies all things. What is the purpose of instilling this basic concept into you? It’s to let you know that, outside of the Bible and His three stages of work, God is also doing even more work that humans cannot see or come into contact with. Such work is being personally performed by God. If God were only solely leading His chosen people forward, without this work outside of His management work, then it would be very difficult for this humanity, including all of you, to continue moving on, and this humanity and this world would not be able to continue developing. That’s the importance of the phrase “God is the source of life for all things” that I am communicating about to you today.

1. The Basic Living Environment God Creates for Mankind

    We have discussed a lot of topics and content relating to the phrase “God is the source of life for all things,” but do you know inside your hearts what things God bestows upon mankind apart from supplying you with His word and performing His chastisement and judgment work on you? Some people might say, “God bestows upon me grace and blessings, and gives me discipline, comfort, and care and protection in every possible way.” Others will say, “God bestows upon me daily food and drink,” while some will even say, “God bestows upon me everything.” Regarding these things people can come into contact with during their daily lives, you might all have some answers that relate to your own physical life experiences. God bestows many things on each and every person, though what we are discussing here is not just limited to the scope of people’s daily needs, but allows each of you to look farther. From a macro perspective, since God is the source of life for all things, how does He maintain the life of all things? So that all things can continue to exist, what does God bring to all things to maintain their existence and maintain the laws of their existence? That’s the main point of what we are discussing today. Do you understand what I have said? Can you keep up with how fast I am talking? (Yes.) Now that I am sure you are listening, I shall continue on. This topic might be very unfamiliar to you, but I will not talk about any doctrines that are too profound. I will strive to make you all understand after listening. You don’t need to feel any burden—all you have to do is listen carefully. However, I still have to emphasize it a little more: What is the topic I am speaking about? Tell Me. (God Is the Source of Life for All Things.) Then how does God supply all things? What does God supply to all things? Why can it be said that “God is the source of life for all things”? Do you have any concepts and thoughts about this? It seems that this topic I am talking about basically draws a complete blank in your hearts and in your minds. But I hope you can connect the topic and things I am going to talk about to God’s deeds, and not link them to any knowledge or tie them to any human culture or research. I am only talking about God and about God Himself. That’s My suggestion to you. Do you understand? (Yes.)

    God has bestowed many things upon mankind. I’m going to start by talking about what people can see, that is, what they can feel. These are things people can understand inside and can accept. So first let’s begin with the material world to discuss what God has supplied mankind with.

1) Air

    First, God created air so that man may breathe. Is this “air” not the air of everyday life with which humans are in constant contact? Is this air not the thing upon which humans rely in every moment, even as they sleep? The air that God created is monumentally important for humankind: It is the essential component of their every breath and of life itself. This substance, which can only be felt but not seen, was God’s first gift to all things. After creating air, did God just pack up shop? There are aspects of this which are unimaginable to people. Having created air, the exact density and amount of air had to be specifically catered to humankind for their survival. With regard to density, there is first the matter of oxygen content. This is a question for physics. What was God thinking when He made air? Why did God make air, and what was His reasoning? Humans need air, and they need to breathe. First off, the density of air should correspond to the human lung. Does anyone know the density of air? This is not something that people need to know; there’s no need to know this. Having a general idea is just fine—we don’t need an exact number with regard to the density of air. First, God made air with a density that would be most suitable for human lungs to breathe—it’s adapted to human breathing. That is, when breathed in, air is of a density that does not harm the body. This is the idea behind the density of air. Primarily, the contents of air are not poisonous to humans and thereby will not damage the lungs and the body. God had to consider all of this. God had to consider that the air humans breathe should go in and out smoothly, and that, after being breathed in, the content and amount of air should be such that blood as well as the waste air in the lung and body would be properly metabolized, and also that the air should not contain any poisonous components. With regard to these two standards, I don’t want to feed you a bunch of knowledge, but rather just let you know that God had a specific thought process in mind when He created every single thing—the very best. As for the amount of dust in the air, the amount of dust, sand and dirt on earth, as well as the dust that drifts down from the sky, God had a plan for these things too—a way of clearing away or resolving these things. While there is some dust, God made it so that dust would not harm the body and man’s breathing, and that the dust fragments would be of a size that would not be harmful to the body. Was God’s creation of the air not mysterious? (Yes.) Was it as simple as just blowing a breath of air from His mouth? (No.) Even in His creation of the simplest things, God’s mystery, His minds, His thoughts, and His wisdom are all apparent. Is God realistic? (Yes.) That is to say, even in creating something simple, God was thinking of humankind. First off, the air humans breathe is clean, the contents are suitable for human breathing, they are non-toxic and cause no harm to humans, and the density is calibrated for human breathing. This air that humans breathe in and out is essential to their body and, to their flesh. So humans may breathe freely, without constraint or worry. They can breathe normally. Air is that which God created in the beginning and which is indispensable for human breathing.

2) Temperature

   The second thing is temperature. Everybody knows what temperature is. Temperature is something an environment suitable for human survival must be equipped with. If the temperature is too high, say if the temperature is higher than 40 degrees Celsius, then it will be very miserable for humans to live. Wouldn’t it be very depleting? What if the temperature is too low, and reaches minus 40 degrees Celsius? Humans won’t be able to bear it either. Therefore, God was actually very particular in setting this temperature range. The temperature range that the human body can adapt to is basically minus 30 degrees Celsius up to 40 degrees Celsius. This is the basic temperature range from the north to the south. In cold regions, temperatures could reach around minus 50 degrees Celsius. Such a region is not a place God allows man to live. Why are there such cold regions? In this lies God’s wisdom and intentions. He does not allow you to go near those places. God protects places that are too hot and too cold, meaning He is not prepared to allow man to live there. It is not for mankind. Why would He allow such places to exist on earth? If God would not allow man to live there or exist there, then why would God create them? God’s wisdom lies therein. That is, the basic temperature of the environment for human survival has also been reasonably adjusted by God. There is also a law here. God created some things to help maintain such a temperature, to control this temperature. What things are used to maintain this temperature? First of all, the sun can bring people warmth, but people will not be able to take it if it’s too warm. Is there any instrument on earth that can get close to the sun? (No.) Why not? It’s too hot. It will melt. Therefore, God has also performed a specific measure of the sun’s distance from mankind. God has a standard for this distance. There are also the earth’s South Pole and North Pole. What’s at the South Pole and North Pole? It’s all glaciers. Can mankind live on glaciers? Is it suitable for human living? (No.) No, so you won’t go there. Since you don’t go to the South and North Poles, the glaciers will be preserved, and they will be able to play their role, which is to control temperature. Get it? If there are no South and North Poles and the sun is always shining on earth, then all people on earth will die from the heat. Does God merely use these two things to control the temperature? No, He does not merely use these two things to control a temperature suited to human survival. There are also all sorts of living things, such as the grass on the fields, the various types of trees and all kinds of plants in the forests. They absorb the sun’s heat and synthesize the sun’s thermal energy to regulate the temperature that humans live in. There are also sources of water, such as rivers and lakes. The surface area of rivers and lakes is not something that can be decided by anyone. Can anyone control how much water there is on earth, where the water flows, the direction it flows in, the volume of water, or the speed of flow? No one can control it. Only God knows. These various sources of water, including underground water and the rivers and lakes above ground that people can see, can also regulate the temperature that humans live in. Apart from that, there are all kinds of geographical formations, like mountains, plains, canyons and wetlands. The surface areas and sizes of these various geographical formations can all regulate the temperature. For instance, if this mountain has a radius of 100 kilometers, these 100 kilometers will have a 100-kilometer effect. As for just how many such mountain ranges and canyons God has created on earth, this is something God has thought through. In other words, behind the existence of every single thing created by God there is a story, and it also contains God’s wisdom and plans. Say, for example, forests and all kinds of vegetation—the surface area and the size of the space in which they grow cannot be controlled by any human, nor does any human have the final say on these things. How much water they absorb, how much thermal energy they absorb from the sun also cannot be controlled by any human. All of these are things within the ambit of what was planned by God when He created all things.

    It is only due to God’s careful planning, consideration, and arrangements in all aspects that man can live in an environment with such a suitable temperature. Therefore, every single thing man sees with his eyes, such as the sun, or the South and North Poles people often hear about, as well as the various living things on and below the ground and in the water, and surface areas of forests and other sorts of vegetation, and water sources, various bodies of water, how much seawater and freshwater there is, plus different geographical environments—God uses these things to maintain normal temperatures for man’s survival. This is absolute. It is only because God has such considerations that man is able to live in an environment with such suitable temperatures. It can neither be too cold nor too hot: Places that are too hot and where temperatures exceed what the human body can adapt to are certainly not prepared for you by God. Places that are too cold and where temperatures are too low; places that, as soon as a human arrives, will make them so frozen in just a few minutes that they won’t be able to speak, their brains will freeze, they won’t be able to think, and they will soon suffocate—such places are also not prepared by God for mankind. No matter what kind of research humans want to carry out, or whether they want to innovate or want to break through such limitations—no matter what people think of, they will never be able to exceed the limits of what the human body can adapt to. They will never be able to get rid of these limitations God created for man. This is because God created human beings, and God knows best what temperatures the human body can adapt to. Do humans themselves know? (No.) Why do you say humans don’t know? What kind of foolish things have humans done? Haven’t there been quite a few people who always want to challenge the North and South Poles? They always want to go there to occupy the land, so they can take root and develop it. Is this not an act of self-destruction? (Yes.) Say you have thoroughly researched the South and North Poles. But even if you can adapt to such temperatures, would changing the living environment and survival environment of the South and North Poles benefit mankind in any way? Will you be happy if all the ice at the South and North Poles melt? This is incredible. It’s an absurd act. Mankind has an environment they can survive in, but they can’t just quietly and conscientiously stay here, and they have to go where they cannot survive. Why is that the case? They’re bored with living in this suitable temperature. They’ve enjoyed too many blessings. Besides, this normal living environment has been pretty much destroyed by mankind, so they might as well go to the South Pole and North Pole to do some more damage or engage in some “cause,” so they can be some sort of “pioneer.” Isn’t this foolish? Under the leadership of their ancestor Satan, this mankind continues to do one absurd thing after another, recklessly and wantonly destroying the beautiful home God created for mankind. This is what Satan did. Further, seeing that mankind’s survival on earth is in a bit of danger, quite a lot of people want to find ways to go stay on the moon, to look for a way out by seeing if they can live there. In the end, what is missing over there? (Oxygen.) Can human beings survive without oxygen? (No.) Since the moon lacks oxygen, it is not a place man can stay at, and yet man keeps wanting to go there. What is this? (It’s self-destruction and looking for trouble.) It’s self-destruction, right? It’s a place without air, and the temperature is not suitable for human survival, so it’s not prepared by God for man.

    The temperature we just spoke of is something people can come into contact with in their daily lives. “The weather is pretty good today, 23 degrees Celsius. The weather is fine, the sky is clear, and the air is refreshing. Breathe in the fresh air. The sun is shining. Stretch under the sunlight. I’m in a good mood!” Or “Today’s weather is very cold. If you stick out your hands they will freeze immediately. It’s freezing, so don’t stay outside as long. Hurry up and come back, don’t get frozen!” Temperature is something all human bodies can sense, but no one thinks about how this temperature came about, or who is in charge of and controls this temperature that is suitable for human living. This is what we are getting to know now. Is there God’s wisdom in this? Is God’s deed in this? (Yes.) Considering that God created an environment with a temperature suitable for human living, is this one of the ways in which God supplies all things? It actually is. This shows that God’s supply and management of all things is truly practical!

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